Juicy Juniper

Jump into the juniper journey

Step into the world of juniper and gin. Juniper (or to give it its full name, Juniperus communis) is to gin what grapes are to wine. Juniper is the life blood of all gin - so much so that in order for this spirit to be classified as a ‘gin’ juniper berries  need to be the core botanical.

The aroma and flavour of juniper berries should be the signature note in gin, but quite often it’s dilluted or overpowered by other more heady, fancy botanicals. 

To really know gin, you need to get acquainted with juniper and all it has to offer. 

So what does juniper bring to gin? These berries transmit that unique botanical flavour component. The tradtional pine note, can sometimes translate as a resiny, waxy, herbaceous or even a slightly green, fresh note.

Welcome to the juicy juniper journey! 
